Transportation information for Kennewick / Pasco / Richland is provided below. Travel information includes driving directions, maps, airport information and more.
The Tri Cities Airport, located in Pasco (just outside of Kennewick), is the third largest air carrier airport in Washington State and is served by Delta Airlines, Delta Connection, Horizon Air and United Express. Serving the communities of southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon, over 206,000 enplanements were logged in 2001 to Seattle, Portland and Salt Lake City.
Tri-Cities Airport
- 2 miles NW from Pasco
- Public
- 509-547-6352
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland are located in the south eastern corner of the state spproximately 141 miles southwest of Spokane. I-82 connects with Kennewick after its short departure from I-84, the major east west throughfare of northern Oregon and southern Washington. I-82 continues its northerly path through Kennewick and Yakima and eventually conjoins with I-90, which terminates in Seattle.