Contact Info
Olympia, WA 98512
- Phone:
- 360-956-2402
- Length:
- 4.7 miles
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 2600 feet
- Season:
- Spring to Winter
7.9 miles in length,grade 20%, some areas lower and some steeperespecially on the Dosewallips side of the ridge.
Small parking area. Trailshelter at 2.7 miles.
Forested hike along Tunnel Creek,then trail climbs up to Harrison Lake and to theridge with vistas of Mt. Jupiter, Mt. Constanceand The Brothers as well as Hood Canal.
Day hiking, backpackingand horseback riding. Fishing at Harrison andKarnes lakes. Please use existing campsites whenpossible and camp at least 100 feet from watersources. Treat all water taken from lakes orstreams before drinking. Pack out what you packin. Practice LEAVE NO TRACE techniquesduring your trip.
Motorized vehicles and mountainbicycles are prohibited. Stock permitted on northside of ridge but not on south side of ridge toDosewallips Road. No open campfires allowedabove 3,500 feet inside Buckhorn Wilderness.
Trailhead Elevation:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Tunnel Creek Trail #841 starts 12miles south of Quilcene on FS Road #2740.Take US Highway 101 south from Quilcene forone mile to Penny Creek Road. Follow thecounty road 1.4 miles to “Y” where pavementends. Take a left onto a gravel road and go 1.3miles to Forest boundary. Stay on paved road#27 for 1.3 miles and turn left on FS Road#2740. Travel on #2740 for 6.6 miles to thetrailhead. There is a small parking area.