Contact Info
Olympia, WA 98512
- Phone:
- 360-956-2402
- Length:
- 3 miles
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 1800 feet
- Season:
- Spring to Winter
This trail enters TheBrothers Wilderness. Hike through a remotecanyon area called the Valley of the Silent Men.The Brothers were named in 1856 by GeorgeDavidson of the U.S. Coast Survey after theFauntleroy brothers - Edward (South peak) andArthur (north peak) who were brothers ofConstance and Ellinor Fauntleroy (the latter wasfiancée of George Davidson), for whom henamed Mt Ellinor and Mt Constance. The trail ismaintained to The Brothers base camp. Onlyexperienced climbers should continue on fromthe end of The Brothers Trail. Consult climbingbooks for climbing routes on The Brothers.
There is a large parking area atthe Lena Lake Trailhead, a vault toilet, andpotable water available at Lena CreekCampground (during camping season).
Forest with lush, green, moss-covered valley and small intermittent stream.
Day hiking, mountainclimbing, backpacking, and viewing scenery. Note:Helmets, climbing gear, good boots and the tenessentials are needed for climbing The Brothers.
Motorized vehicles, stock andmountain bikes are prohibited. Campfires above3,500 feet elevation and groups consisting of morethan 12 people are prohibited within The BrothersWilderness.
Trailhead Elevation:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Drive Highway 101 to FS Road #25(Hamma Hamma Recreation Area), 14 milesnorth of Hoodsport. Go 8 miles on FS Road #25to the Lena Lake Trailhead #810. Hike trail#810 for 3.6 miles to the beginning of TheBrothers Tr. #821 near north shore of Lena Lake.