Contact Info
Olympia, WA 98512
- Phone:
- 360-956-2402
- Length:
- 3.1 miles
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 2540 feet
- Season:
- Spring to Winter
Trail is 3.1 miles inlength with grades from 0 to 30%. The firstsegment of the trail is flat. Then it drops steeply,descending to canyon floor and the Gray WolfRiver. NOTE: The washed out foot-log hasbeen replacee with new bridge across Gray WolfRiver. Stock users should use extreme cautionwhen fording river with stock. NOTE: Obtain ParkWilderness Permit for overnight trips into Park
A three unit rustic camping areais adjacent to the parking area. No toilet or water.
Forested trail following Slab CampCreek to Gray Wolf River. Two riverside campsare at Duncan Flat on north side of river.
Hiking, backpacking,horseback riding and fishing. Use existing camp-sites and do not camp within 100 feet of watersources. Treat all drinking water. Pack out yourtrash and leftover food. Practice LEAVE NOTRACE techniques during your trip.
Motorized vehicles and mountainbikes are prohibited. No open campfires allowedabove 3,500 feet inside Buckhorn Wilderness.
Trailhead Elevation:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Slab Camp Trail #838 starts 12.5miles southwest of Sequim on FS Road #2875.Go approximately 2.5 miles west of Sequim onUS Highway 101. Turn left on Taylor CutoffRoad to Lost Mountain Road. Proceed tointersection of FS Road #2870 and turn left.Continue on FS Road #2870 and turn right at FSRoad #2875. Follow FS Road #2875 four milesto the trailhead.