Contact Info
2455 Hwy. 141
Trout Lake, WA 98650
- Phone:
- 509-395-3400
- Location:
- Trailhead located along Observation Trail #132
- Length:
- 0.05 miles (0.8 km)
- Difficulty:
- Intermediate
- Elevation Range:
- 3800 feet to 4200 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 400 feet
- Usage:
- Medium
- Season:
- July to October
This trail is short spur off Trail No. 132, which takes you to the summit of Observation Peak. A fire lookout once perched on the 4,207-foot summit. The lookout was built in 1934, and was abandoned n the 1960s.
Views on a moderately clear day include: Carson Fish Hatchery, Mt. Adams, Mount St. Helens, and Mt. Rainier. An extremely clear day will behold even more spectacular sites: Mt. Baker and Mt. Jefferson in the distance.