Contact Info
Olympia, WA 98512
- Phone:
- 360-956-2402
- Length:
- 3.1 miles
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 2600 feet
- Season:
- Spring to Winter
The lower trailclimbs gently through the forest for the firstmile, and then becomes steeper and increasinglyrough. At timberline, 2.5 miles from the lowertrailhead, the trail intersects the winter climbingroute to the right and the summer trail route tothe left. This is a good turnaround point forinexperienced hikers. Nice views of HoodCanal, Lake Cushman and the Cascades fromrock outcrops near base of the chute.
Summer Route to Summit: Beyond theviewpoint, the Summer Trail switchbacks to thesouth ridge of Mt. Ellinor, then follows the ridgeto the summit at 5,944’ elevation. Please use thesummer route during the snow free months toprevent damage to the fragile vegetation alongthe winter climbing route. Always wear goodboots, carry the ten essentials, and a full canteen.
Winter Route to Summit: Use extra cautionwhen climbing the chute, especially when it iscloudy and foggy as the rocks are extremelyslick when wet. Check on avalanche conditionsbefore beginning the climb. Ice axe, boots, andthe ten essentials are necessary. Conditions canchange very rapidly and the chute can behazardous even in good weather.
Parking and trail registers atboth trailheads. Vault toilet at upper trailhead.
Open coniferous forest totimberline at 4,500’, then the forest opens up towildflower meadows and views of LakeCushman and Puget Sound. The trail veers to theleft of the steep chute, passes through abundantwildflower meadows, and then follows the ridgeto the summit with expansive 360° views
Day hiking, climbing, andwildlife and wildflower observation.
Trailhead Elevation:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Travel US Highway 101 toHoodsport. Turn onto State Route 119, travel9.0 miles to the junction with FS Road #24. Turnright and go 1.6 miles to FS Road #2419 (BigCreek Road). Travel 4.9 miles to the lowertrailhead. To reach the upper trailhead goanother 1.5 miles, turn left on FS Road #2419-014, follow it to the end of road