Contact Info
24 West Chewuch
Winthrop, WA 98862
- Phone:
- 509-996-4003
- Length:
- 3.5 miles
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- Season:
- June to October
The beginning of the trail is a short distance up the road from the road crossing over the Middle Fork Beaver Creek. A few hundred yards brings you to the trail ford of the Middle Fork Buttermilk Creek, this crossing may be difficult during the snow melt. The trail then follows closely to the creek on the north side and is very bushy. At 1.5 miles is a short, very steep and rocky section, the trail levels out and stays above the creek. At 3.3 miles the trail becomes boggy and the tread is overgrown with grasses. Some locating may be necessary here. At 3.3 miles the trail joins an old roadbed, then crosses FS Road 4235 (Starvation Mountain). This route is described from the lowest elevation to the upper end and can easily be reversed.
This trail is used by mountain bikers as part of loop, parking at the Washington State Park's Beaver Creek Campground.
At 1.5 miles is a very steep, rocky section that needs extreme caution for horse and mountain bike users. This section is not recommended for riding.
Motorbikes are not allowed on this trail.
Roadside parking and hitch rail on Forest Service Road 4225.