Contact Info
Olympia, WA 98512
- Phone:
- 360-956-2402
- Length:
- 10.3 miles
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 800 feet
- Season:
- Spring to Winter
This trail receives yearly maintenance and is in good condition throughout its length. The Lower South ForkSkokomish Trail is 10.3 miles long and it ties nto the Upper South Fork Trail.
Stock unloading ramp andparking available for 7 vehicles. Toilets andpotable water are available at Brown Creek Campground.
This trail meanders through ancient forest and parallels the South Fork Skokomish River. Points of interest include the old LeBarClaim, Church Creek Shelter and Harps Shelter.Olympic Elk (Roosevelt) can be observed throughout the river basin provided one is quietand does not approach too closely.
Day hiking, camping, stock packing, mountain bike riding, wildlife viewing and bird watching.
Trailhead Elevation:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
From US Highway 101, turn westonto the Skokomish Valley Road (6 miles northof Shelton and 7 miles south of Hoodsport).Drive west on the Skokomish Valley Road fromthe George Adams State Fish Hatchery for about5 miles to FS Road #23. Turn right onto FS #23and drive 9.0 miles to FS Road #2353. Turnright onto FS #2353 and drive approximately _mile to the South Fork Skokomish River Bridge.Cross the bridge and make a sharp turn to theleft. Drive _ mile to the trailhead on the left.LeBar Horse Camp entrance is on the right.