Contact Info
2455 Hwy. 141
Trout Lake, WA 98650
- Phone:
- 509-395-3400
- Length:
- 1.7 miles (2.7 km)
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- Elevation Range:
- 1300 feet to 2100 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 800 feet
- Usage:
- Light
- Season:
- July to October
Beginning at the end of Road 3062, the trail follows Falls Creek, climbing through a 30- to 60-year-old forest for about 1.5 miles. A cable suspension bridge spans a rock gorge providing spectacular views of the white water of Falls Creek. Continue uphill for 0.7 mile to the base of the waterfall. The trail ends at the waterfall. There is a creek crossing prior to the falls. This can be a difficult crossing during early season flows.
The delicate mist from the cascades of Falls Creek creates an excellent area to rest among a blanket of mosses.
Elevation Range:
Elevation Change:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Follow the same directions for Falls Creek Trail No. 152 Upper Falls Creek Trail EXCEPT after driving approximately 2 miles on forest Road 3062 turn right on Road 057. Continue 1/2 mile to the trailhead.