Contact Info
24 West Chewuch
Winthrop, WA 98862
- Phone:
- 509-996-4003
- Length:
- 3.2 miles
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- Season:
- Mid-June to October
The trail begins at 2 miles on the South Creek Trail No. 401, then starts by descending to the trail bridge crossing of South Creek. The next mile switchbacks up through forest with huge Douglas fir, Engleman spruce, and western white pine. The route then travels high about Louis Creek through old avalanche paths and subalpine forest. At 3 miles either a footlog bridge or stream ford crosses Louis Creek then a short distance brings you to the lake.
An easy route to Louis Lake at an elevation of 5400 feet. Views of the South Creek Butte and Crescent Mountain are spectacular. The lake is a popular day ride and family hike, with good fishing.
Grazing is not available to stock users at the lake. Avoid the re-vegetated sites at the lake, heavily impacted campsites at the lake are being rehabilitated. The log stringer bridge over South Creek deflects under the weight of stock, please use good judgment in crossing with stock.
No motorized or mechanical use allowed. Parties size limit 12 people or less and 18 head of stock.
Northwest Forest Pass required. Hitch rail is available, and toilets are available in the adjacent South Creek Campground.