Contact Info
Olympia, WA 98512
- Phone:
- 360-956-2402
- Length:
- 6.1 miles
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 1250 feet
- Season:
- Spring to Winter
4.2 miles to bridgeclosure. Maximum grades up to 15%.
Trailhead parking.
Dense hardwoods and conifersalong the Gray Wolf River. Scenic canyon andspring blooming native rhododendrons.
Day hiking, backpacking and fishing. Please use existing campsites whenpossible and do not camp within 100 feet fromwater sources. This trail offers access to fishingareas along the Gray Wolf River. Treat waterfrom streams before using. Please pack out whatyou pack in. Practice LEAVE NO TRACE techniques during your trip.
Motorized vehicles and mountainbicycles are prohibited on the entire trail. Stockare prohibited from the Trailhead to the junctionwith Slab Camp Trail No. 838. Stock users shouldaccess Gray Wolf via Slab Camp Trail No. 838.NOTE: Pets and firearms are prohibited in the Olympic Park.
Trailhead Elevation:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Gray Wolf Trail #834 starts 13 milessouthwest of Sequim on FS Road #2870. Twoand one-half miles west of Sequim on USHighway 101 then take the Taylor Cutoff Roadto Lost Mountain Road and proceed to theintersection with FS Road #2870. Follow FSRoad #2870 to trailhead. Trailhead relocated onemile before previous trailhead due to slides onfirst part of trail. Trail closed at 4.2 miles due toslides and damaged bridge. Note: See SlabCamp Trail #838 for alternate access.