Contact Info
Olympia, WA 98512
- Phone:
- 360-956-2402
- Length:
- 6.2 miles
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 1000 feet
- Season:
- Spring to Winter
Trail is 6.2 miles inlength and has some steep grades with sections exceeding 20%. First 0.4 mile is on old road bed.
Small parking area along side ofroad. No trailhead toilet. Nearest toilet is at Dungeness Forks Campground.
Conifer forest on steep mountainslopes in the Dungeness drainage. Nice view of Dungeness River near trailhead.
Hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, viewing scenery, andbackpacking. Please use existing campsiteswhen possible and camp at least 100 feet fromwater sources. Motorbikes, mountain bikes,and pack and saddle stock are permitted withneed to ford at Gold Creek. The trail is heavilywooded with viewpoints. Pick-up can be madeon FS Road No. 2870 opposite the Tubal Cain Trailhead. Pack and saddle stock, "street-legal” motorbike, and mountain bike users may want tomake a long loop trip by traveling up the trailand returning on FS Rd. No. 2870. Water is scarce.Treat all water taken from streams beforedrinking. Please pack out what you pack in.
Trailhead Elevation:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Trailhead is 14.5 miles south ofSequim. Drive the Palo Alto Road, 2 miles northof Sequim Bay State Park on US Highway 101,to F.S. Road #28 and continue to the intersectionwith F.S. Road #2880. Turn onto FS Road #2880,drive past Dungenss Forks Campground and stayleft onto Road #2870, then turn left onto Road#2870-230 and drive to trailhead at end of road.