Contact Info
24 West Chewuch
Winthrop, WA 98862
- Phone:
- 509-996-4003
- Length:
- 9.6 miles
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Season:
- May to November
The trail begins near the southeast end of the gravel pit (near the entrance). Hike a gentle sidehill climb through big fir and spruce and occasional stands of cedar trees. Reach the falls in 1.7 miles. The trail continues 7.5 miles beyond the falls to Abernathy Pass, were it enters the Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness. Bicycles are not allowed beyond this point.
Because of its low elevation this is one of the first trails to open up in the spring. Cedar Creek pours from pool to pool, then drops 50-60 feet in a series of falls. Mountain bikers will find this trail very challenging. There are good campsites for both hikers and stock users where the trail enters a few meadows about 2 miles above the falls.
The area around the falls is quite precipitous and there are no fences or barriers. Mountain bikers should use caution, as there are some steep sidehills and blind corners on this trail. Reduce speed accordingly when approaching these areas.
No motorized vehicles. No mechanized vehicles south of Abernathy Pass.
Stock ramp, toilet and Northwest Forest Pass required.