Contact Info
10024 US Hwy. 12
PO Box 670
Randle, WA
- Phone:
- 360-497-1100
- Location:
- In the Blue Lake Area
- Length:
- 2.5 miles
- Elevation Range:
- 2400 feet to 4100 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 1700 feet
This trail begins at the end of Road 2300.171a steep, narrow road. The trail follows a deep canyon along Blue Lake creek that was formed with the help of melting glaciers thousands of years ago.
The 250-foot rock wall of columnar basalt was formed by volcanic eruptions beneath a glacier. The basalt flow was cooled quickly by the melting glacier. The trail climbs steeply in some areas, with rock steps built in to make the going easier. There are two foot bridges crossing the creek before the trail ends at Blue Lake. The trail is challenging and includes steep side slopes, cliff exposures and rock stairways.