Contact Info
2763 Monument Drive
Burbank, WA 99323
- Phone:
- 509-547-7781
Lake West, located in southeastern Washington on a remote section of the lower Snake River, provides for water fun and relaxation. The landscape is characteristic of wide-open vistas of rolling hills with few trees while the climate is arid. Popular activities include boating, camping, swimming, water skiing, hunting, and fishing. Recreation facilities include picnic areas and semi-primitive campgrounds. A full service campground and other amenities exist at nearby Lyons Ferry Park eight miles northwest of Starbuck, Washington, on Highway 261. Close by is scenic Palouse Falls State Park, a spectacular waterfall with interesting geologic formations along the Palouse River. Enjoy the scenic variety afforded by the surrounding countryside of the Palouse, a large and secluded fertile agricultural land base that extends well beyond the horizon. This area is along the Lewis and Clark route.
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
41.5 miles northeast of Pasco, Washington, on Pasco-Kahlotus Road to Kahlotus, Washington, then 6 miles south on Devil's Conyon Road.